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Direct and Indirect Object

  What is Object?  - An object is the person or thing that receives the action.  - Usually, the object comes after the verb.  - An object of a sentence can be noun, pronoun or a noun phrase on which the action is being performed.  - Object pronouns include - Me, him, her, it, us, them, you, whom.  - Example: Vidya eats an apple.   In this example, object is the "apple", because it is being acted upon.  - Another easy way to find object is to find the verb in a sentence and then ask question words What/Whom to identify the object.  From the above example we can find that verb is "eats". Find the object by asking - What does Vidya eat? Answer: Apple.  Objects can be further classified into two types: 1. Direct Object 2. Indirect Object 1. Direct Object: A direct Object is a noun or a pronoun that receives the action of a verb directly.  - Ask question -> What/Who/Whom to the verb to identify the direct Object.  - It is possible that a sentence with a direct objec
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Subject and Object in a sentence

Subject - Subject is the person or thing doing the action. - Usually, the subject comes before the verb.  - A subject of a sentence can be a noun or a pronoun which is performing the action.  - Subject pronoun include - I, he, she, it, we, they, you, who.  Example : Vidya eats an apple.  - In this example, subject is "Vidya", because Vidya is doing the action of eating.  - Another easy way to find subject is to find the verb in a sentence and then ask question words Who/What to identify the subject.  From the above example we can find that verb is "eats". Find the subject by asking - Who eats the Apple?  Answer: Vidya Object - An object is the person or thing that receives the action.  - Usually, the object comes after the verb.  - An object of a sentence can be noun, pronoun or a noun phrase on which the action is being performed.  - Object pronouns include - Me, him, her, it, us, them, you, whom.  - Example : Vidya eats an apple.  In this example, object is the &q

Animals and their Homes

All living beings like humans, animals, birds, insects need shelters to protect themselves from heat, rain, storm, dust, cold and enemies.  Let's see the shelter names of various animals: Animal                      Shelter Name - Cow                           Shed - Horse                       Stable - Dog                           Kennel - Pig                            Sty - Cat                           Cattery - Sheep                       Pen - Rabbit                     Burrow - Koala                       Tree - Elephant                 Forest - Rat                           Hole - Lion                         Den - Tiger                        Cave - Fish                          Water - Monkey                    Tree - Squirrel                   Drey - Bee                            Beehive - Grasshopper         Grassland - Snail                         Shell - Snake                       Hole - Ant                           Anthill - Hen                          Coop - B


An Acronym is a word that is formed from the first letters of other words and is frequently used in speech in place of the compound word or larger word or words. Acronyms are similar to abbreviations and are pronounced like words.  Example : 1. SCUBA - Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus.  2. PIN - Person Identification Number.  Let's see some more Acronyms : - LASER - Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation - CAPTCHA - Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart - ICU - Intensive Care Unit - NICU - Neonatal Intensive Care Unit - UNICEF -  United Nations Children's Fund - AIR - All India Radio - NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration - NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization - B. A . - Bachelor of ArtsArts - WHO - World Health Organisation - ONGC - Oil and Natural Gas Corporation.  - CEO - Chief Executive Officer - AD - Anno Domino - BC - Before Christ - AIDS - Acquired Immune Deficiency Syn


Homophones are words with same pronunciation/same sound, but have different spelling and different meanings.  Example : 1. peace - piece Meaning peace - calm Piece - a part of whole 2. cent - scent Meaning cent - a small unit of money Scent - a pleasant smell 3. see - sea Meaning see - to look at sea - a large water body of saline water 4. too - two Meaning too - excessively two - a number  5. Sun - son Meaning Sun - the largest star that shines in the sky during the day son - a male child 6. tail - tale Meaning tail - the part at the end of the body of an animal/bird/fish tale - a story about events that are usually imaginative 7. dye - die Meaning dye - a substance used for colouring things like fabric, wood, paper, leather etc.  die - to pass away 8. I- eye Meaning I - used by a person to refer himself/herself eye - part of our body that we use to see things around usus 9. right - write Meaning right - correct write - to mark letter, words, number, symbols on paper with pen/pencil.

Replace "very" with these better English Words

Along with a number of other words, the word "very" is frequently used in everyday speech. Let's look at several ways to improve our English by removing the word "very" and adding more relevant and effective words. 1. very hard - difficult 2. very tasty - delicious 3. very smart - intelligent 4. very angry - furious 5. very beautiful - gorgeous 6. very calm - serene 7. very fat - obese 8. very busy - occupied 9. very nice - kind 10. very happy - joyous 11. very eager - keen 12. very confused - puzzled 13. very dirty - filthy 14. very cold - freezing 15. very tired - exhausted 16. very hungry - starving 17. very often - frequently 18. very rich - wealthy 19. very fast - quick 20. very careful - cautious 21. very slow - sluggish 22. very funny - hilarious 23. very clean - spic & span 24. very lazy - lethargic 25. very thirsty - parched 26. very common - popular 27. very competitive - cut throat 28. very colourful - vibrant 29. very excited - thrilled 30. very


Punctuation is the practise of using certain markings to help the reader understand how a sentence is structured and how it should be read.  - Punctuation helps one to understand where sentences begin or end.  - A wrongly used pronunciation mark can change the entire meaning of a sentence.  - Let's look at some punctuation marks and how to utilise them correctly to punctuate sentences.  1. Full stop (.) - The full stop is used at the end of a sentence. It signals the reader that sentence has come to an end and it's time to give long pause while reading.  Example : a) Sita wore a beautiful dress.  b) Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.  It is also used in abbreviations.  Example : a.m.  B.Com M.A. Co.  2. Comma (,) - The comma is used to separate words, phrases and ideas in a sentence. It signals the reader to give short pause while reading .  Example : a) We need cocoa powder, milk, butter, dry fruits and sugar to make chocolate.  b) The house is small, but it