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Replace "very" with these better English Words

Along with a number of other words, the word "very" is frequently used in everyday speech. Let's look at several ways to improve our English by removing the word "very" and adding more relevant and effective words.

1. very hard - difficult
2. very tasty - delicious
3. very smart - intelligent
4. very angry - furious
5. very beautiful - gorgeous
6. very calm - serene
7. very fat - obese
8. very busy - occupied
9. very nice - kind
10. very happy - joyous
11. very eager - keen
12. very confused - puzzled
13. very dirty - filthy
14. very cold - freezing
15. very tired - exhausted
16. very hungry - starving
17. very often - frequently
18. very rich - wealthy
19. very fast - quick
20. very careful - cautious
21. very slow - sluggish
22. very funny - hilarious
23. very clean - spic & span
24. very lazy - lethargic
25. very thirsty - parched
26. very common - popular
27. very competitive - cut throat
28. very colourful - vibrant
29. very excited - thrilled
30. very little - tiny
31. very special - exceptional
32. very lovely - adorable
33. very far - remote
34. very old - ancient
35. very interesting - captivating

Vanividya Skyway Blossom


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