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Subject and Predicate

What is a sentence? 
A sentence is a group of words that convey a complete thought. 
A complete sentence consists of two parts:
- Subject 
- Predicate

A subject in a sentence is an object (noun) that we talk about. 
- Ask question who/what to find the subject in a sentence. 
- The subject consists of only noun/pronoun.

Example (The subject has been highlighted in the examples provided.) 
1. Vidya gave me a camera. 
2. The sun is the brightest star. 
3. He is very busy right now. 
4. Ram was an honest business man. 
5. Raj and I love to play video games. 
6. She is watching television. 
7. Vicky's dream is to become a police officer. 
8. They ate pizza for lunch. 
9. The last ivy leaf was still there on the wall. 

A predicate in a sentence tells us something about the subject. 
- The predicate contains verbs that give us more information about the subject. 

Example (The predicate has been highlighted in the examples provided.) 
1. Vidya gave me a camera. 
2. The sun is the brightest star. 
3. He is very busy right now. 
4. Ram was an honest business man. 
5. Raj and I love to play video games. 
6. She is watching television. 
7. Vicky's dream is to become a police officer. 
8. They ate pizza for lunch. 
9. The last ivy leaf was still there on the wall. 

Try to identify the subject and predicate in the following sentences:
1. Anne's grandmother makes the best cookies in the world. 

2. The dogs were barking loudly. 

3. My sister and her friend are trained classical dancers. 

4. It was a small shop. 

5. Antarctica is the icy continent at the South Pole. 

6. You may park your vehicle here. 

7. She saw him driving his new bike. 

8. Our teacher told us a funny story. 

9. The flight could not take off on time because of heavy rain. 

10. Kriti and I are going to the mall. 

11. Mumbai is the capital of Maharashtra. 

12. We went to the zoo yesterday. 

13. Tara, a kind-hearted girl, asked her friends to contribute towards a noble cause. 

Vanividya Skyway Blossom


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