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An idiom is a word, phrase, or expression that has a meaning that differs from the words' actual meaning.
Idioms exist in almost every language and it can be bit confusing as they don't mean what they say. 

For example: 
Idiom - not my cup of tea. 
For a person who is not familiar with this expression may think the person is rejecting the drink saying it's not my cup of tea. 
But for the person who is familiar English speaker the meaning is totally different - It means you don't like or interested in particular thing. 

To help you better comprehend the phrase "not my cup of tea," let's use it in a sentence.

1. Horror movies are not my cup of tea. I love to watch action/commedy movies instead. 
2. Many people love playing cricket, but it's not mu cup of tea. 

Here's a list of some idioms with it's meaning and example sentences:

1. Apple of my eye 
Meaning - most favourite or cherished person above all others. 
Sentence - Riya has three sisters but her youngest sister is the Apple of her eye. 

2. A piece of cake
Meaning - Something that can be done very easily. 
Sentence - I thought the exam would be difficult but it was a piece of cake for me, I'll definitely pass this exam. 

3. Butterflies in stomach
Meaning - to feel very nervous or excited about something. 
Sentence - She had butterflies in her stomach as she walked onto the stage for her solo dance performance. 

4. It's raining cats and dogs
Meaning - It is raining heavily
Sentence - When we were returning back from school, it was raining cats and dogs. 

5. It cost an arm and a leg
Meaning - extremely expensive
Sentence - I would love to buy that car but they cost an arm and a leg. 

6. Fell on deaf ears
Meaning - to be ignored by the person who hears it. 
Sentence - The workers' demand for bonus this year had fallen on deaf ears. 

7. Icing on the cake
Meaning - something that makes a good situation even better. 
Sentence - Gauri was excited as her exams were over and the vacation started but receiving a bicycle as surprise gift from her dad was icing on the cake. 

8. Crocodile tears 
Meaning - to display fake sadness. 
Sentence - Each time I refuse to something, my daughter sheds crocodile tears to get her work done. 

9. Fingers crossed
Meaning - a hand gesture (keep fingers crossed) to hope that something will happen in the way you want them to. 
Sentence - Good luck for the interview. We'll keep our fingers crossed for you. 

10. Make a mountain out of molehill
Meaning - to exaggerate a small problem as if it is very big
Sentence - Stop worrying, it's just a small injury and there is no need to make a mountain out of a molehill. 

11. Catch red handed
Meaning - to catch someone when they are doing something wrong or illegal. 
Sentence - Ravi was caught red handed by the security guard when he was trying to steal a bicycle. 

12. Be in the same boat
Meaning - to be in the same difficult situation as other people
Sentence - Many of them have lost their job during pandemic. We are all in the same boat, we must help each other. 

13. As cool as cucumber
Meaning - to be very calm with no worries, even when the situation is stressful and unfavourable
Sentence - I felt nervous before exam, but my friend Pooja remained as cool as a cucumber. 

14. Give it a shot
Meaning - to try to do something for the first time
Sentence - I have never tried skydiving, but I will give it a shot. 

15. Speak your mind
Meaning - to say honestly what you think/feel about a particular thing/situation
Sentence - My mom is never afraid to speak her mind in any situation. 

16. Born with a silver spoon in mouth
Meaning - to be born into a wealthy family
Sentence - The students studying in this college are all born with silver spoon in their mouth. 

17. Flying colours
Meaning - to do something very exceptionally well
Sentence - Vidya passed the exam with flying colours. 

18. Beat around the bush
Meaning - to delay or avoid speaking about the main topic. 
Sentence - Come straight to the point, don't beat around the bush. 

19. To spill the beans
Meaning - to reveal a secret
Sentence - I warn you. Don't spill the beans. 

20. A blessing in disguise
Meaning - a good thing that initially seemed bad
Sentence - It was a blessing in disguise to get stuck in that traffic jam. I would have been on that plane that crashed if I hadn't missed the flight.

Vanividya Skyway Blossom:


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