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Showing posts from March, 2023

Direct and Indirect Object

  What is Object?  - An object is the person or thing that receives the action.  - Usually, the object comes after the verb.  - An object of a sentence can be noun, pronoun or a noun phrase on which the action is being performed.  - Object pronouns include - Me, him, her, it, us, them, you, whom.  - Example: Vidya eats an apple.   In this example, object is the "apple", because it is being acted upon.  - Another easy way to find object is to find the verb in a sentence and then ask question words What/Whom to identify the object.  From the above example we can find that verb is "eats". Find the object by asking - What does Vidya eat? Answer: Apple.  Objects can be further classified into two types: 1. Direct Object 2. Indirect Object 1. Direct Object: A direct Object is a noun or a pronoun that receives the action of a verb directly.  - Ask question -> What/Who/Whom to the verb to identify the direct Object.  - It is possible that a sentence with a direct objec

Subject and Object in a sentence

Subject - Subject is the person or thing doing the action. - Usually, the subject comes before the verb.  - A subject of a sentence can be a noun or a pronoun which is performing the action.  - Subject pronoun include - I, he, she, it, we, they, you, who.  Example : Vidya eats an apple.  - In this example, subject is "Vidya", because Vidya is doing the action of eating.  - Another easy way to find subject is to find the verb in a sentence and then ask question words Who/What to identify the subject.  From the above example we can find that verb is "eats". Find the subject by asking - Who eats the Apple?  Answer: Vidya Object - An object is the person or thing that receives the action.  - Usually, the object comes after the verb.  - An object of a sentence can be noun, pronoun or a noun phrase on which the action is being performed.  - Object pronouns include - Me, him, her, it, us, them, you, whom.  - Example : Vidya eats an apple.  In this example, object is the &q